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156-677-124-442-2887 [email protected] 184 Street Victoria 8007
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About YOGO Vision

Experience in
Eyewear & Optics

When it comes to choosing glasses, we are your #1 partner. Our products are made with top of the line materials, and are available at the most competitive prices.
Latest in fashion trends

The Vision Experience

The models we create are based on customer research and insider knowledge of current trends. Our in-depth customer analysis allows us to create glasses that end consumers want. Classic, minimalist or runway trendy, we carry glasses for the most discerning of consumers.

We are steadfast and unwavering in providing the highest quality products, ensuring the integrity of our brand. All of our eyewear achieve the best optical clarity and come with scratch-resistant lenses at a value that can’t be beat.
Our manufacturing process

Quality You Trust

Vision is in on every step of the game. All our glasses are produced only in our own factories, giving us complete control over every step in the manufacturing process.

From the moment our designs are drawn, raw material is sourced, and eyeglasses assembled, careful attention is paid to every detail. Once the eye wear rolls off the manufacturing belt, each piece is thoroughly inspected before being packaged and shipped.

Prices that make you Smile

YOGO Vision is pleased to provide you with all things custom. We offer custom orders with the specific colors, designs, and lenses that you have in mind.

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